Be Kind Daisy

Emotion Code Badge

Body Code Badge

Why be kind?

It is important to nurture our own wellbeing in order to be able to reach out and care for others close to us. The Emotion Code® and the Body Code™ can be great tools to help with this.

One of the key goals of this form of energy balancing is to raise your emotional resonance toward the highest levels of love, joy and enlightenment and away from the lowest levels of fear and shame. The potential benefits to you are multiple including feeling lighter, happier and more centred in your life and being able to connect more with those that you love and the wider world.

What are the Emotion Code® and Body Code™?

The Emotion Code® and Body Code™ are part of an energy balancing modality created by Dr Bradley Nelson (chiropractor). It works on the principle that everything is made of energy including ourselves and indeed our emotions. The premise is that our body can accumulate energetic imbalances including trapped emotions which may lead to physical imbalances. By using muscle testing as part of the Body Code™ and Emotion Code® techniques, we aim to identify specific energetic imbalances and release them using the Chinese Medicine meridian line.

Think of your body as a hoarder's bedroom full of energetic imbalances including emotions that you haven't finished processing. This energetic imbalance "cleaning" aims to clear physical space in the body and thereby allow the body space to adjust and heal itself if necessary.

For full details of what happens in a session click here.

Clear out your emotional baggage without having to talk about it

The beauty about this technique is that very little information about the event that caused a particular energetic imbalance (such as a trapped emotion) is required in order to release it which effectively allows the client to keep their emotional baggage completely private.

For further information on the Emotion Code®, Body Code™ and Belief Code®, in addition to research findings and international testimonials, please visit Dr Bradley Nelson's website

Be kind. Make the world a kinder place one step at a time.

Daisy image by Freepik